While I enjoy the PLNs that I am currently associated with, I do not belong to any for Instructional Design. As Instructional Design, is my current field of study, it is sensible to also join networks that will further my growth and connections within this field. Oddone et al (2019) highlight that PLNs put the learner in control of their learning. They are responsible for initiating and organizing their learning. I plan to incorporate three new Instructional Design PLNs into my repertoire. You may be interested in adding some as well.
The eLearning Coach
The eLearning Coach found at https://theelearningcoach.com/, is an online Instructional Design community hosted by Connie Malamed. The site publishes articles related to Instructional Design and learning. It also consists of resources such as lists of websites to find images, icons, fonts, etc. that will advance my ability to make visually appealing products for clients. I have notifications set up to alert me to new articles that are published by the site so that I can continue to grow in my ability to create learning that is meaningful and effective. I plan to use this website as a resource for my learning. My goal is to continue to learn new strategies and tips for becoming a successful instructional designer.
The eLearning Designer’s Community
The eLearning Designer’s Community, located at https://community.elearningacademy.io/s/community/, is a more interactive network. This website contains a blog with helpful information for instructional designers, but it also has many live events, discussions, job opportunities, and a place to ask for input. As I am studying Instructional Design, most of my interaction with this website will be through the blog. Reading and absorbing as much information as I can to help me grow as a designer. If I decide to pursue this field further and look for a job that incorporates these skills, I will take advantage of the community interaction, job postings, and discussion boards. My goal is to learn what I can and connect with other instructional designers.
Instructional Designers in Education
The third PLN that I am adding to my list is a Facebook group called Instructional Designers in Education, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1526889350715555/. I chose to add this group to my social media because of the exposure. I scroll my Facebook app most days and will be able to see posts from all over the world that are focused on education. I also chose this group over others on Facebook because it had the most posts each day and the most members. After joining, I was able to see that posts and questions had several responses by the end of the day. There are also quite a few students that are posting on this page, and it seems like a great resource to learn about issues that instructional designers are facing. I do not plan on commenting much at this time unless there is a post that I feel confident sharing my knowledge. Contribution is the most involved step in participating in a PLN but requires confidence in the material to make that step. As I am only several classes into my learning, I will need a little more experience before I feel qualified to comment regularly. My goal with this group is to absorb quick exposure to what instructional designers are dealing with during their work.
PLNs have become my favorite way to learn. They are accessible, community-driven, and relaxed environments for learning. In today’s busy world, it can be difficult to find time outside of work for extra learning, and PLNs make learning easy to fit into a busy schedule. I appreciate that they are also focused on building community and getting answers from people who interact with this work daily. I am excited to learn new things with the three new PLNs I have joined this week.
Arsarkij, J., & Laohajaratsang, T. (2021). A Design of Personal Learning Network on Social Networking Tools with Gamification for Professional Experience. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 16(18), 53–68. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v16i18.25159
Oddone, K., Hughes, H., & Lupton, M. (2019). Teachers as Connected Professionals: A Model to Support Professional Learning Through Personal Learning Networks. International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning, 20(3), 102–120. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v20i4.4082